Blog Posts


Improving Productivity for Clinicians and Researchers in 2025: Implementing the A.D.D. framework

Maximizing your productivity and impact is hard. The A.D.D. framework: Automate, Deprecate, and Delegate, identifies strategies that can be implemented to scale your impact in research and beyond.


Ross Prager

May 29, 2024


Understanding Journal Impact Factor: What is it and Does it matter?

Impact factor is commonly discussed by researchers. But what is it and why are some academics turning away from impact factor as a metric of journal quality?


Ross Prager

May 22, 2024


We need to stop the waste of time, effort, and money (re)formatting manuscripts

Formatting manuscripts for publication in scientific journals costs researchers time, effort, and money. Automated manuscript formatting is a novel approach to improving researcher productivity and impact, with the potential to save countless hours for clinical researchers.


Ross Prager

May 16, 2024