Format your manuscript for any journal in hours

Resub saves clinicians and researchers time, effort, and money. Automatically format your manuscript for submission in any medical journal in minutes. Stop spending hours trying to meet needlessly specific journal requirements and capitalize on the value of your time to become a more productive and impactful researcher.

23.8 million
Hours spent reformatting manuscripts every year.
$1.1 billion
Wasted researcher time formatting manuscripts every year.
0 hours
Time saved by researchers using resub.

Your time is precious, spend it wisely.

Resub makes formatting your journal for submission in any medical journal automatic and effortless. Simply upload your manuscript, highlight a few components, and select your target journal.

There are over 10,000 medical journals worldwide. While we don’t have them all categorized (yet), don’t worry. If the journal you want to submit to isn’t in our system we will add it within a couple of days.

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