Top 10 Clinical Neurology Journals to Publish your Research in 2025

Looking to publish your work in a top clinical neurology journal? Compare various journal metrics to pick the best one for your research.

After investing significant time and effort, your manuscript is finally ready for submission. Now comes the important decision of choosing the right journal—a choice that can impact the reach, influence, and accessibility of your work. If you’re looking to publish in the field of neurology, you might be wondering which journals are leading in 2024.

Selecting a journal goes beyond journal metrics alone. While metrics like the Journal Impact Factor (JIF) are widely referenced, other aspects should guide your decision. Factors such as publication costs, open access options, time to publication, and the journal’s specific focus can be just as critical.

What is the journal impact factor?

The Journal Impact Factor is commonly used as a measure of a journal’s influence by calculating the average number of citations to its articles over the past two years. However, it’s just one of several key metrics available.

What are some other journal metrics?

The Immediacy Index provides insight into how quickly articles are cited in the year they are published, indicating the immediate interest in and relevance of the journal's articles.

The Normalized Eigenfactor Score, meanwhile, offers a broader comparison across disciplines by assessing a journal’s influence relative to others in its field. Additionally, the Article Influence Score, derived from the Eigenfactor Score, looks at the average impact of a journal’s articles over their first five years, providing a longer-term perspective on influence.

With these various metrics in mind, here are 10 of the top clinical neurology journals in 2024, each evaluated based on a range of indicators to help you find the journal best suited for your research. These options can serve as a starting point in identifying a publication that aligns with your goals and maximizes the visibility of your work in the neurology field.

Top 10 Clinical Neurology Journals in 2024

Top 10 Clinical Neurology Journals to Publish your Research in 2024

Journal Name Journal Impact Factor* Immediacy Index* Normalized Eigenfactor* Article Influence Score* Average Publishing Time Frame Publishing Options
LANCET NEUROLOGY 46.5 11 12.10541 17.633 3-5 days for peer-review, 10 weeks from submission to publication Hybrid
Nature Reviews Neurology 28.2 6 6.46855 15.004 3.6 months for first review round Hybrid
JAMA Neurology 20.4 4.1 9.52915 8.297 Less than 1 week for first decision, 72 days from submission to acceptance, 83 days from acceptance to publication Hybrid
NEURO-ONCOLOGY 16.4 1.6 7.7108 5.08 29 days for first decision Hybrid
Alzheimer's & Dementia 13 1.9 9.61923 5.31 Hybrid
SLEEP MEDICINE REVIEWS 11.2 1.8 3.32724 4.064 7 days for first decision, 129 days from submission to acceptance Hybrid
BRAIN 10.6 2.4 12.91338 4.746 2 months for first decision of papers sent for peer review Hybrid
ACTA NEUROPATHOLOGICA 9.3 2.6 5.26076 4.939 1 day from submission to first decision Hybrid
JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY 8.7 1.3 4.85117 3.323 42 days for first decision with review, 22 days from acceptance to publication Hybrid
JPAD - Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease 8.5 1.2 1.21793 2.509 2 days for first decision Hybrid

*Data from Journal Citation Reports 2023

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